Dinning Table Maharaja Set

Dining Table

Dinning Table Maharaja Set (DRS2003)
currency_rupee 8999
currency_rupee 17998
Discount on: 50%
UV: 900
Max Qty: 10
Available Qty: 10
View Count: 27

Dinning Table Maharaja set presents-Elegantly styled, this dining table set makes for a great addition to your home. The set has an extremely modern and contemporary look that helps you set up a stylish dining space in your home. Easily seating adults while still leaving you enough space on the table to arrange all the delicious dishes, it is just what you need for a beautiful dining room. Ergonomically designed chairs ensure comfort as you enjoy a leisurely meal with your family and friends

Dinning Table Maharaja Set

4 Seater

Cuver Edge

Mica top

Classic Look

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